Sign Up To Attend A Service
At this time, we are not requiring online pre-registration prior to coming. We have lots of space.
You will simply check in with a greeter and leave your name (and contact info) for potential contact tracing.
Make sure you also read the important information below to help you prepare for worship.
Thank you!
Some important things to know:
Please plan to arrive 10 minutes before the service to get yourself checked in, settled, and our announcements and hosts will begin 5-10 minutes before the service. There will be a short check in process (reviewing screen questions and hand sanitizing station) that will take place outside the front doors.
Masks will be mandatory for the entirety of your time at the church. (exceptions: a child under the age of 5 years either chronologically or developmentally; or if for other medical reasons, the person cannot safely wear a Face Covering such as respiratory disease, cognitive difficulties or difficulties in hearing or processing information.)
Lighthouse activities are structured to be safe and socially distanced. Nursery will not be available at this time. Nursery aged children will need to be under the care/supervision of the parents/guardians. More instructuion for Lighthouse aged children will be available on Sunday mornings.
Seating in the sanctuary will be guided by our ushers/hospitality team.
No coffee hour or visiting will be permitted in the church building after the service.
Restrooms will be available as needed.