What to do with a word from God?
Luke 2:39-40
When Mary and Joseph had completed everything required of them by the law of Moses, they took Jesus and returned to their home in Nazareth in Galilee. The child grew more powerful in grace, for he was being filled with wisdom, and the favour of God was upon him.
I remember Tracy and I driving home from the hospital with Aidan - verrry slowly. “What do I know about caring for a baby? I can’t believe they let me leave with him. Don’t they know I know nothing? At least I’ve got Tracy. ” That’s all that was running through my head - the solemn, frightening ecstatic responsibility of suddenly having a child depend upon us.
Does it strike you that neither Mary nor Joseph ask the angel How? How am I supposed to raise a baby? Let alone the word of God? This son the angels sang over, the stars beamed and rich and poor alike bowed? What would their donkey ride home have been like? Probably very slow.
So it struck me as I read this morning’s passage: Luke 2:39-40
"When Mary and Joseph had completed everything required of them ….they took Jesus and returned to their home in Nazareth in Galilee." They did what they knew to do and God blessed that so much - they created the perfect environment for his son to thrive: “The child grew more powerful in grace, for he was being filled with wisdom, and the favour of God was upon him.” After these incredible events, they just drove home and kept living faithfully - and that is enough for the word of God to prosper.
Like Mary and Joseph, God thinks you and I are the perfect environment for Jesus to grow in us in grace and power and for Jesus to be glorified. And we will have significant, powerful moments where God moves and speaks. Maybe even this Christmas! And we will have times where we find ourselves saying, “why didn’t I ask how?” How do I live out this promise you gave me? How do I shape my life so people see Jesus? How do I love these people God has put on my heart?
Like any young parent taking their newborn home - we learn how to help our child prosper as we go - sometimes successfully, sometimes through our mistakes.
Like Mary and Joseph, we take the words God gives us, and do what we know to do - and that’s enough.
Enough for God to bless us, to teach us, to trust us with his son.
This Christmas, may you treasure his son and commit to shaping your lives, your home for him to grow more powerful in grace and wisdom - in you. And may you experience his favour, love and presence as you pray, work and work out how to carry him into your home and everyday life.
Merry Christmas - Christ is born - for you!
Shared by Rev Drew Maxwell