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Tuesday March 30, 2021

Calvary United


“As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasure. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

I’ve read this passage many times but it didn’t truly stand out to me until the Sunday that Orville spoke about the “wealth” broken down into coins. It was an image I couldn’t get out of my head. So, I went back and read the above passage again. Many questions came up for me: was this the last donation she ever made, did God reward her for that, what faith would it take to give all you had, was God honoured by her gift?

This is the only time she is mentioned in Scripture so we don’t know what happened; however I rather suspect that she was blessed again and again because she offered everything she had. She had faith to move mountains.

But did I? Would I look at my bank account, see my last $100 and see it in an abundance of coins instead of one $100 bill. Truthfully, I don’t know. I would like to think I would. Do I have that kind of faith, the kind that moves mountains? I guess I will just have to start handing out coins and find out.

Lord, thank you for your abundance that transcends borders and generations. When we step out you meet us there to turn our meager offerings into a wheelbarrow overflowing with blessings. May your kingdom come, may your will be done. Amen

Submitted by Amy McDougall

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48 Hawkesville Road

PO Box 189

St. Jacobs, ON

N0B 2N0

Sunday Service - 10AM



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