Instructions for How to Join In the Fun
Step #1 - Log into ZOOM ideally on a computer (or your largest device)
(Calvary general zoom room)
or Meeting ID: 510 817 6303
Password: 5196642311
Step #2 - We will be using an online trivia tool called Kahoot!
You can either use on a secondary device (another laptop, or download the Kahoot! app on your phone)
OR you can use your same computer and just open a new window
*You just must be able to see both the zoom screen and the Kahoot screen at the same time
*We can totally help you with his! Don't worry!
Step #3 - We will provide a link/game code for you when you have arrived and you'll begin our trivia fun!
We'll play a few rounds of a variety of trivia with a variety of skill levels for a variety of ages & stages! Grab your devices, grab your family, and let's have some fun Calvary!