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December 18, 2020 Advent Reflection

Calvary United

Luke 2:19

The shepherds visited the newborn Jesus. They told Mary and Joseph about their encounter with the angels and the proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah who will bring great joy to all people.

But Mary treasured all these things in her heart and often pondered what they meant. Luke 2:19 (TPT)

Mind vs Heart: Obviously Mary knew in her head that she was indeed a virgin who had just given birth. But head knowledge is different from heart knowledge. She pondered it all. She drew that head knowledge into her heart and treasured it.

Later in Luke 2:35 there’s another reference to hearts from the prophet Simeon As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed (NLT).

Actions vs Heart: God knows our heart. We can try to hide behind actions and good works but what’s truly in our hearts will be revealed.

And again in Luke 2:51 Then He returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart.

Despite not understanding with her head about Jesus being in His Father’s house and people being amazed at His understanding and answers, Mary took it to heart. She had faith that God’s plan was being carried out.

Is your heart soft? Are you ready to receive God’s love and all the goodness He has for you? Do you let a lack of understanding get in the way? That dreaded question “Why?”

Jesus, as we celebrate your birth in this season, help us to focus on our relationship with you. Open our hearts. Remove all the worldly distractions. Let us truly live as a child of God.

Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas

Shared by Lorie Silverthorne


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